Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NEWS: Road Magazine Update

A great big chunk of our beloved 300,000 Road Magazine readers and 63,500 blog fans seemed to have missed that:
(A) We have a new Timeline Facebook page, with background pictures (lots of famous faces to spot), cool news, competitions, info, links to other social media etc. Please take a moment out of your lives to LIKE us and share us with your friends and family here – –  so you can see what we are up to with the daily blog and monthly magazine nice and easily. You can even click like on Facebook box in right hand menu bar below. Thanks!
(B) You can now read all current and back issues of FREE monthly Road Magazine on your smart phone or tablet, as well as your Mac or PC. Just visit to read all 30 FREE magazines (where you can also subscribe FREE for alerts for new issues), or click on this link on the blog:  
(C) We have a Twitter feed at:!/roadmagazine
Please do follow us and engage with us there. There's LOTS of cool things to enjoy.

Finally, do let other auto-minded friends and family know about our monthly magazine, daily blog and social media: The more, the merrier. Thanks so much, Editor, Phil Royle

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