Tuesday, April 3, 2012

NEWS: Road Magazine Hits 870,000 Reads & 51 MILLION UPVs

We'd just like to say thanks to the 870,000 people in over 30 different countries who have read and enjoyed read – flicking over 51 million page views! Team Road works hard to bring you a sexy, different, interesting monthly magazine and daily blog, and for so many of you to enjoy it is amazing. Thanks so much. Here is the issue that made such a massive impact, after four long years of producing ace FREE digital media. Do spread the word... and contact Editor Phil Royle (proyle@roadmagazine.co.uk) for advertising offers as low as £150 for a full page advert – reaching hundreds of 1000's of people. Bargain! Roll on 1,000,0000 Roadies...! :-)

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