Monday, October 8, 2012

NEWS: Donkervoort D8 GTO Test Results in!

The Dutch destroyer that is the brand new Donkervoort D8 GTO, has gone even faster than expected and stated it would do at its media info launch earlier this year – knocking out some incredible stats at its testing at a roasting hot (32C) Nardò Ring in Italy. 
How do these vital stats grab ya?
0-100 km/h: Standard 340bhp 3.3 sec & Premium 380bhp in just 2.8 sec
0-200 km/h: Standard 340bhp 9.4 sec & Premium 380bhp in a mental 8.6 sec.
Top speed: Standard 340bhp 255 km/h & Premium 380bhp 270 km/h. 
Sweet as ****!
The D8 also managed a lap around the track of 2:29.8sec, which, let us tell you... is fast! 
Donkervoort said: "The first test day kicked off with the high speed track, where the car had to be driven at top speed for several laps. Immediately afterward, the GTO was placed in a walled-in enclosure in order to warm up for an additional 45 minutes, with the engine shut off. The same procedure applied for the acceleration tests, stationary tests and track laps at racing speed during the hottest and coldest part of the day. After the European homologation requirements, which were carried out on day 2, the Donkervoort Development Team was especially looking forward to the results of the over two hour long endurance (race simulation) test on the track on day 3. How would the GTO come through it in the high temperatures and could anything still be improved? This endurance test too went exceptionally well. After a making a couple of improvements to the wheel suspension tuning, during 2 hours of virtually non-stop driving ,the times were faster lap after lap. Finally, the fastest lap time clocked was 2 min 29 sec. A time that brought a frown to the face of many a test driver for the colleagues present when this was compared to their own times. In the end, two days earlier than planned, the Donkervoort team bid a content and proud farewell to the Nardò Ring and headed home. With these splendid results and latest improvements, the quality and performances of the new GTO are permanently established." 
Find out more about the lightweight, Audi turbo powered beast here: 
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