Wednesday, June 19, 2013

NEWS: Road Magazine N24 Special Is Printed!!!

Massive thanks to our pals and cordial N24 hosts, Falken Tyres, who have just printed Road Magazine for the first time since its birth in 2008. And it looks fantastic! Falken were so pleased with the expert coverage and cutting edge design we did in our N24 special, they contacted us to get it printed to distribute at this weekend's VLN race – the first since their superb and best ever N24 result of P20, as covered in the latest N24 special of Road which you can read FREE here.
If you're lucky enough to be at the VLN's Adenauer ADAC Simfy Trophy this weekend, go check out Team Falken's amazing GT3 R and pick up a FREE printed copy of Road Magazine. Happy days!
See more Falken images on our Facebook page.

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