Wednesday, February 5, 2014

PROJECT XFR: Custom Exhaust & K&N Air Filters

Project XFR – run by Roadie, and eternal modifier Andy Robinson – has had an exhausting time of late. And that's not because it's been caning the miles (quite the opposite in fact, in all this wet, traction-free weather where a V8 speedboat is better transport for many), but because it's been getting a custom stainless steel exhaust system ad K&N air filters installed (feel free to groan at that 'joke'… what can I say? It's early).
You can read the full story on the Road Project Cars' section of our cool website here. Just click on the Project XFR link at the top and/or feel free to scroll down through our other Project S4 and Project P38 V6 and V8 project reports on our website. You will find… we like V-engines here at Road HQ! You should find plenty to amuse on there… and supported via Facebook & Twitter too. 

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