Monday, December 10, 2012

VIDEO: Petter Solberg Quits WRC: Highlight Video.

So, Petter Solberg – legendary, smily, Norwegian WRC ace – is to quit the sport, for now! Sad news. But we can't wait to see what he ends up driving in 2013. We say... give the Nurburging 24-Hour a go, like Carlos Sainz has done since he retired Petter. You will love it! Or maybe some historic rallying? And we hope to see you back in a WRC car soon too.
Here's what Petter had to say about his retirement from WRC: "First off, I want to say thank you. You can't imagine the feeling I get seeing and reading all of your messages and support, both here and via multiple outlets around the web. Honestly I'm always so amazed by it. Especially now, it feels great.
The decision to withdraw from the WRC for 2013 after all of these years was not an easy one. The reality is that no matter how much we were hoping that there was a proper seat for us, it was made very apparent that there was not. At this point in my career, I had to make the call. I had to step away for now, and make a change. The main thing that I want you all to realize, is that my statements and actions should by no means be viewed as me retiring. This is my life, and I'm definitely ready and prepared for more time behind a wheel, and more success. With all of this being said, I also wanted to confirm that we are working on some very exciting plans for 2013, and I look forward to sharing that with you as soon as we're able. It's going to be a fun and competitive time for all of us. I promise you that! Thank you again. Never Give Up!"
Best of luck "Hollywood" – you're a superstar and we'll be keeping our readers abreast of your activities in 2013 whatever you do. Have a great Christmas dude! 
Meantime, to remind you all what a star Petter is, here's a highlight video to enjoy his WRC skills again... 

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