Tuesday, July 31, 2012

VIDEO: TOTB XI 2012 Film by TC Media

Here's a film of the TOTB drag and handling event for 2012, by TC Media. About this year's event, where Andy Forrest's amazing Impreza RA set a new record of 8.77s on the 1/4-mile and four drivers hit over 200mph on the standing Km, the TOTB team said: "TOTB XI has already been rated by the Ten Of The Best Community as the best one yet! Although this year behind the scenes Straightliners MD Trevor Duckworth has made some important changes, they have proven to be exactly what TOTB needed. It has been said in the past that stripping the event back closer to it's roots would re-generate that reknowned "family" feel, and it has! With support from key sponsors and the timeless efforts from the Straightliners crew this year truly was amazing. The cars were outstanding out on the Drag-strip and the Handling circuit with many crew members remarking just how hard the drivers, mechanics and teams have worked over the years to show how reliable and well built their cars have become compared to previous years and is a testament to their commitment and loyalty to the event. With four drivers breaking the 200mph barrier and Andy Forrest in his Subaru Impreza belting out a TOTB record of 8.77s this year was a major turning point for the teams, drivers and the event itself. Eleven years ago Simon Hinshelwood's love for performance cars and the dream of an event that would bring car lovers together was born, he sadly passed away in 2009 but his dream lives on, and every year despite the weather forecast, Simon shines down on Elvington Airfield and he no doubt has a laugh at everyone when they run for cover under the odd shower or too, but his dream lives on in all that attend, compete and speak about the UK's No.1 performance car event. This is the best event, because of where it comes from and what it stands for and that will never change whilst the likes of Trevor Duckworth and Straightliners crew have anything to do with it, because it is them that attract the 1000's of smiling faces, the inspiring teams, the friendly clubs and the true soul of the UK Performance Car communities....come on TOTB XII, we really can't wait!" See more videos and get all the results at the website – http://www.totb.co.uk – or on the Facebook group at: http://www.facebook.com/groups/tenofthebest

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